Fiend Festival Headdress Workshop
I was invited by Shoreditch House to run a festival headdress workshop. I brought along my Fiend designs for inspiration and all the materials and tools needed and let them loose on it. I was there to help advise. Some were reluctant to sew and preferred the glue gun whilst others made a more thorough job of it and created beautiful headdresses that will survive a good few dance offs. Don’t get me wrong, I love a glue gun. They’re quick and easy but the finished result hasn’t as much wear and tear/ tree climbing potential. It was lovely to see what other people did with the materials and the rate of production which varied hugely. Thanks to Jade who runs the events at Shoreditch House for bringing me in. I had a really lovely afternoon as did the crafters, who now have amazing headdresses for Burning Man. Whhooop.
If you want to host a workshop or attend one, just e-mail me at

Polly Playford’s Shoreditch House Fiend Festival Headdress Workshop