
I’ve collected interesting information and beautiful images here for you to be inspired by.

20 August 2015

Colour study Brazil architecture and design

I recently took a trip to Brazil and was so impressed with the use of colour everywhere I thought I’d try and bring some back. I’ve decided to paint the house bright colours and generally wear colour as much as possible. Of course they’re simply reflecting their environment. With bananas, humming birds and bright blue…

20 July 2015

Headdress workshop I am running at Shoreditch House

On the 16th August at 11am I am running a headdress making workshop at Shoreditch House. It’s open to members and their guests. The materials will be provided for free. Come down and make something you’ll be proud to sport at a festival, a wedding or just down the pub. The image shows the materials…

20 March 2015

Curly hand drawn typography

  Beautifully executed hand drawn typography. I like the fact that you can see the workings behind it. This reminds me that I need to create more hand drawn fonts. I did one recently and it worked out pretty well. More sketching!   Curly hand drawn typography

20 March 2015

Rio Sugar Loaf Mountain Typography

This is a picture I took in Rio De Janeiro in Brazil this week on the iPhone. Such a great camera for a phone. There are some great effects on offer.  The font is from 10 dollar fonts  I love this site. Now that I’ve created this graphic I realise it looks like the same format as a…

12 February 2015

Art Museums and Galleries in Vienna

In Vienna last week I visited an art gallery called the Art Supermarket that sells affordable art at 3 set prices under £500. It’s a great model I thought. The owner, who is a friend of a friend, has asked me to send him some of my work to potentially sell there. This is exciting. I’ve…

12 February 2015

Excellent Gestalten Book on Collage Design

I Love Gestalten, they are my favourite publisher of anything creative. I picked up this excellent book on my visit to a modern art museum in Vienna, which by the way is a extremely beautiful city. You can buy it here I think Some of the collages inside remind me of some of the early…

30 January 2015

sketch work

Sketch work graphic design. Last summer I did a lot of sitting in parks and sketching and reading. This was actually in Hackney Marshes. One of the places closest to my heart. Nobody goes there! It’s so lovely and massive. It’s the only part of london that has never changed. It’s just as it was…

28 January 2015

Mixed media framed art I designed

Mixed media framed art. As well as graphic design, I also make all sorts of things, headdresses, fascinators, festival capes and hoods, pictures, greeting cards, christmas wreaths. I love making things. I find it therapeutic and enjoy complete creative freedom. Going to burning man festival was great for my crafting. I started by making a…

22 January 2015

Neon Typography experiment

YES to interior design I’ve always wanted a neon sign. Originally I wanted it to say DISCOVERY. Then I changed my mind. YES is the vibe I want to share. It looks fabulous sitting over the old polish barn window framing Johny Dawson-Ellis’s Zebra painting.

12 January 2015

A tissue fringe picture I designed

I saw some tissue fringe somewhere and thought it would look good if there were more of it and layered, so I tried it. My boyfriend added the lights and a fan underneath and it really works! It’s not going to last forever. Great party decoration.